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    How to move table to different tablespace

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 21

    How would we move a table (znn) to a different tablespace?

    You would need to run p_file_03 to back up the table. (Check the $data_files to make certain that znn.seq has been created.) Then:

    change the file_list entry to the desired tablespace;
    SQL> drop table znn;
    > util a/17/1 znn to create it in the new tablespace. (util a/17/1 can’t handle switch of tablespace without the SQL drop.)
    > p_file_04 to load the backed-up table into the new tablespace.

    Alternatively, the table could be exported/imported using the $aleph_proc/oracle_expdp_table / $aleph_proc/oracle_impdp_table procedures. {See KB 16384-56929 ("Use Oracle Data Pump to transfer individual table to Test"). }

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013