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    How to prevent in-library-use materials from being checked out at selfcheck

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23


    A patron was able to check-out an in-library-use book through the self-check and take it out of the library. I just checked the circulation log with the following SQL and I can see that this has been happening all along but was never reported to us: 

    SQL> select z309_data, z30_item_status, z30_collection from z309,z30 where Z309_REC_KEY_3 = z30_rec_key and Z309_CATALOGER_NAME = 'SELFCHECK' and z30_item_status = '13'; 


    When an in-house-use item is checked out by staff at the Circulation desk, the item can be checked out without being desensitized, so the item cannot be removed from the library without the alarm going off.   But the self-check machine can't make this distinction:  it desenitizes all materials which it checks out.

    This can be handled by specifying "N" in tab15.eng column 6 for in-library-use items.  That way, checkout will be prevented:  the patron will need to take the item to the Circ Desk where staff should be able to override this condition, loaning the item but not desensitizing it.