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    How to prevent patrons of particular status from borrowing particular items

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 21

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    An error message will appear when a patron of a particular patron-status tries to check out an item of a particular item-status -- indicating that the patron is not allowed to check out the item.

    Add an line to ADM ./xxx50/tab/tab16 for the item-status/patron-status. (This could be either just the specific item-status/patron-status or, using the "##" wildcard, all statuses not specified in preceding tab16 entries.) The entry needs to have "00" in column 12 ("Max number of loans").

    Additional Information

    1. If no patrons of *any* patron-status should be allowed to check out items of this status, change the value in column 6 ("Loan") in the ADM tab15.eng entry for this item status to "N".

    2. If patrons with this patron status should not able to check out *any* items, regardless of their item-status, change the value in col. 3 ("Loan Permission") in the ADM tab31 for this patron status to "N".

    3. It might seem that simply omitting the specific item-status / patron-status combination from tab16 would produce an error message when a loan is attempted, but that is not the case. The loan occurs but the due date/time is the current date/time. See article Item is due immediately upon checkout.


    • Article last edited: 01-Apr-2017