How to re-publish already published records
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20 and up
Re-publishing of older records which are already published (Z00P record exists)
1. For a specific range of system numbers
2. For ALL published records
a. Stop ue_21 (Ongoing publishing)
b. Delete ALEPH Published Records (publish-05) for deletion of existing Z00p records
c. Initial Publishing Process (publish-04) for creation of new Z00p records
d. Create Tar File for ALEPH Published Records (publish-06) for creation of a tar file to send to e.g. Primo
e. Start ue_21 daemon
Additional Information
From version 23 on it's also possible to run the services for an input file like a list of system numbers
Category: Publishing
Subject: Publishing Services
- Article last edited: 09-Feb-2017