How to reinstall the licenses of the COBOL environment for Aleph
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
The License Manager of the COBOL environment Micro Focus Server Express is correctly installed on the Aleph server.
The License Manager validates the development license and the runtime license of the COBOL environment.
-- Clean up remaining files of previous License Manager installation.
-- Install License Manager, development license and runtime license.
The software Micro Focus Server Express 5.0 is already installed in the directory /exlibris/product/cobol5 of the Aleph server.
The following steps need to be executed with the privileges of UNIX user root (unless stated otherwise).
(1) Check if the Aleph Installation Kit (AIK) is installed in the directory /exlibris/ftp_from_exlibris/AIK22 on the Aleph server.
(2) If AIK is not installed, then download its tar file from the Ex Libris ftp server and extract it in the directory /exlibris/ftp_from_exlibris of the Aleph server.
(3) Stop all Aleph processes (as UNIX user aleph). Use $alephe_root/aleph_shutdown for this. This must be done or the license install won't work!
(4) Check if the License Manager is running:
# pgrep -lf mflm_manager
<process_id> ./mflm_manager
(5) If the License Manager is running then stop it with the following command:
# /opt/microfocus/mflmf/lmfgetpv k
If this command does not stop the License Manager then kill its operating system process with the following command:
# kill <process_id>
(6) Check if a Named Pipe with the name LMF-common exists in the directory /tmp or /var/tmp:
# ls -l /tmp/LMF-common
prwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jan 29 08:48 /tmp/LMF-common
If the Named Pipe exists, remove it:
# rm /tmp/LMF-common
(7) Delete the following files and directories related to the development license:
# ls -ld /var/*mf*
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 Mar 15 2011 /var/aslmfsem
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Mar 22 2011 /var/mfaslmf
# rm /var/aslmfsem
# rm -rf /var/mfaslmf
(8) Remove any existing shared memory segments that had been allocated previously by the License Manager:
# ipcs -m | grep root | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -t -i{} ipcrm -m {}
(9) Remove the startup script of the License Manager:
# rm /etc/mflmrcscript
(10) Remove the root directory of the License Manager:
# rm -rf /opt/microfocus
(11) Go to the root directory of the AIK (/exlibris/ftp_from_exlibris/AIK22).
(12) Load the environment variables of AIK by executing the following command:
# . param_bash.ini
(13) Install the COBOL development license by executing the script cob_dev_lic:
# bash cob_dev_lic
Installing Cobol (server express 5.0) development license
License added ok
MF-LMF:Wed May 28 19:33:13 2014: LMF Starting
(14) Install the COBOL run-time license by executing the script cob_run_lic:
# bash cob_run_lic
License installed ok
License Manager successfully terminated
Starting MFLM License Manager
MF-LMF:Wed May 28 19:35:59 2014: LMF Starting
The Cobol server express 5.0 run-time license is installed
(15) Verify that both COBOL licenses are installed correctly by entering the following command as UNIX user aleph:
$ $COBDIR/aslmf/apptrack stats 1 1
(16) Start all Aleph processes (as UNIX user aleph).
- Article last edited: 3/6/2015