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    How to reload an authority library

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    We discovered that there are many duplicate records in our authorities library. Late in our implementation we decided not to pursue deleting the duplcates on ALEPH - there were no appropriate services to accomplish this.

    We requested a new batch of records from our vendor. Each file will have 100,000 records. We have not dropped an entire library of this size before.

    When reloading an entire library like this, it is best to delete not just the doc records but also all the index records. For LC authority records, p_manage_31 should be used for update loads, but for the initial load, p_manage_18 is better.

    Thus, we recommend the following. (Note: this presumes that updated bib records containing the new headings have also been provided by the vendor and are being loaded. If not, the procedure would need to be different.)

    1. stop ue_08 in the bib library
    2. temporarily comment out the type "4" entries in the xxx10 tab_z105 (to prevent writing of unnecessary z105's)
    3. stop ue_11 in the z105_library
    4. stop ue_01 in the authority library
    5. UTIL-A-17-1 for xxx10 library (to drop / recreate all the tables)
    6. UTIL-G-2 to set Oracle record counters to zero):
    - last acc-num
    - last doc-num
    - last long acc-num
    - last-similar-acc-num
    - last word-num
    [leave other counters as is]
    7. run p_manage_18 to load the authority records, specifying:
    "NEW" as the Procedure to Run
    "DOC_ONLY" for Indexing
    possibly specify some of these fix routines:
    fix_doc_aut_duplicate 9 -- see KB 6721
    fix routine to add "UPD $$aN" -- see KB 5787
    8. Run p_manage_18 again to load any additional groups of records
    9. Run indexing jobs -- see "How To Run Index Jobs", section 2.4, "Typical Job Sequence for Authority Library"
    10. Either re-run the Headings jobs in the BIB library -- see "Typical Job Sequence for BIB Library" -- or do a complete ue_08.
    11. Run p_manage_105 in authority library
    12. Start authority library ue_01
    13. After the authority library z07 count is zero, uncomment the type "4" lines in the xxx10 tab_z105
    14. Start $z105_library ue_11
    15. Start BIB library ue_08 (with option "C", Continuous)

    See also, Article 000015709 ("Full authority library reload").

    Additional Information


    • Article last edited: 1/31/2015