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    In item-issue-label-00, Strip z13-title Ending Characters

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Desired Outcome Goal:
    z13-title needs to be right trimmed if the last character is '/' or '.' or '=' or ':'

    Implement the following on the server:

    1. Add lines to xxx01/tab/tab_expand
    CREATE-Z13 fix_doc_do_file_08 245_fix
    CREATE-Z13 fix_doc_convtb FILE=tab_fix_888

    2. Create a new table: xxx01/tab/import/245_fix
    ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    1 245## COPY-FIELD 888

    3. Create a new table: xxx01/tab/tab_fix_888
    ! 1 2 3
    >>PAR STD-TAG=#####
    888## del_suffix a,/,.,=,:

    4. Update a line in xxx01/tab/tab22
    USER-DEF-4 1 888## a

    5. Restart pc server

    6. Restart ue_01

    7. Create a new print template package (util i/6).

    Additional Information

    * For all tables, confirm the parameters are in the correct column.
    * After these changes, field 245 is copied to field 888 and in field 888 the ending punctuation is deleted. Field 888 is then used for creating the user-defined field 4 which can be used for item label printing.

    Please note that del_suffix routine was implemented with rep_change 3768 in Aleph 20 so you should make sure to have the newest Service Pack implemented.

    Category: Cataloging

    Subject: Items

    • Article last edited: 3/13/2014