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    In which library p_publish_06 should be started?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph

    Do we need to start service p_publish_06 in our BIB library (ABC01) or are we able to start it in our USR library (ABC00)?
    As this job is blocking the batch queue in our BIB library ABC01 and no other jobs can be started while it is running, we would prefer to start it in ABC00.
    As p_publish_06 is checking Z00P and this table is located in the USR library, we would expect that it is also possible to start this job in the USR library.

    If you are using option DOC (Range of documents) you MUST start p_publish_06 in your BIB library. This option is checking the document numbers (Z00_DOC_NUMBER) in your BIB library. Therefore this option can not be started in the USR library.
    If you are using a different option (e.g. LAST-DATE) in p_publish_06, you are able to start this job in your USR library.

    Additional Information


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013