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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Including 440 tag in Brief Records display

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    The Brief Records display in Cataloging only displays series titles and numbers of 830 but not 440. Is it possible to include both 440 and 830 in the Brief Records display?

    The Brief Records is different than the Brief List.

    The Brief Records sub-indexing function is described in KB 4008. A detailed "Brief Records Functionality" document is attached to KB 16384-983 (and can also be found on the Doc Portal).

    The Brief Records Oracle table is the z0101, built by p_manage_35, using the ./abc01/tab/tab_z0101 and tab_z0101_text files.

    Looking at your tab_z0101 file, I see the following line:

    ## TTL 8#### VOL800 SERIES-ADD

    which causes the 830 tag (and other 8xx tags) to be included, but there is no such line for the 440.

    If you want Brief Records to be created for the 440, then you would need to include the following line:

    ## TTL 440## VOL800 SERIES-ADD

    and re-run p_manage_35.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013