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    Index for availability not being updated.

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    I've created an index for availability using subfield e of the AVA field. I've found that circulation status changes in records do not trigger a re-indexing of the record via ue_01.

    Is there a way to trigger this re-indexing to keep this index up to date?

    The creation/update of a loan record does not trigger indexing. The return of the item will cause the Z30-DATE-LAST-RETURN field to be updated, but that update does not trigger z07 creation either. (Which item updates *do* trigger z07 creation is described in KB 4140.)

    I think you could set up a script to do this nightly:

    1. Run SQL to locate items whose loan status has changed.

    2. Run p_manage_70 in the ADM library to convert the item numbers to corresponding bib numbers.*

    3. Run p_manage_40 in the bib library, using the output from step 2 as input. This will generate a z07 indexing request for each record.

    *Note: Prior to v18 rep_change 1827, the p_manage_70 ITEM-TO-BIB routine expected the input number to be the item key, plus the ADM library: 000012345000010USM50. After rep_change 1827, the program accepts it either with *or* without, that is, it also accepts 000012345000010.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013