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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Indexing issue in ABC60

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We have two related problems going on. We use a 980 field in the Holdings record to indicate new acquisitions, and have built a keyword index on the 980 field to search for these records.

    1. We are using p-ret-03 in ABC60 to pull out records using the word index 980=NEW. Afterwards the 980 field is removed and the record filed. The next time we do it the same records are appearing from before, along with ones that do have the 980=NEW, even though when we look at the records the 980=NEW is no longer there.

    2. The ue_01 word in ABC60 is full of 'unique constraint" errors. Does this mean the records cannot be found for indexing and if that's the case, why not?

    The keyword index relies on a counter named last-word-number to assign the next internal number for indexing purposes. This number is missing from the counter table (z52) in ABC60. You can see this using UTIL G/2 after dlib'ing to ABC60. If you use UTIL G/2 on ABC01, you'll see that there is a last-word-number there.

    You can add the counter by dlib'ing to ABC60. Then use UTIL G/2. Enter NEW to create a new sequence. Name it last-word-number. You can give it a starting value of 000000000. (Use Y for suppress and S for type. No Prefix.)

    Then you will have to rebuild the keyword index in ABC60. This shouldn't take much time at all.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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