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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Item-Available notice fails to print/email

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Over the weekend we had hold notification letter print out on a receipt printer along with the slip for a patron that has no email address. I was trying to configure the GUI client so these letters would go to the networked printer instead but I'm having no luck, in fact I can't even get it to print out on the receipt printer again. No prn file is even appearing in the print directory or print history on the client machine.

    The item-available (hold-available) notice is referred to in Aleph as the hold-request-letter. It can be found in ./form_eng as the hold-request-letter-0n.xsl.

    The program which produces the hold-request-letter is the GUI Circ pc_cir_c0429 program. pc_cir_c0429 calls ./com/execute_hold_request, which calls ./form_fill/hold_request_letter_xml.

    * changes the z37_status to "S" ("Hold Shelf - Request has been trapped, patron has been notified that the requested material is ready to be picked up");
    * changes the z37_letter_status to 02 ("fulfillment notice has been sent to the patron"); and
    * populates the z37_letter_date.

    The printing/emailing of the letter is discussed in Article 000019222 ("Hold request letter prints, but Hold Letter will not E-mail"). Articles 000001663 ("How to Send Hold Request Letter by Email") and 000007583 ("Send Hold Request Slip to Printer and Hold Request Letter via Email") have additional info, but 000019222 may be sufficient. Note in particular the role of the print.ini ReturnHold01 entry.

    This site found that it still wasn't working, but that adding the 'Display list of hold requests' checkbox in GUI Circ -> ALEPH -> Options -> Return options made the letter be produced.

    Additional Information

    See also Article 000001729 ("How to determine if notices have been emailed successfully").

    • Article last edited: 9/20/2014
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