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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Item-06 slow with Oracle 9i

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 17, 22

    p_item_06 is taking a lot longer to run in v17 vs. our previous version (15.5).
    For example: In 15.5, our ADM library took 30 minutes; in 17.01, it takes 1 hr, 32 minutes.

    Please explain the difference between v15.5 and v17 causing this problem.

    When the site removed the Oracle "ASSM AUTO", the job took 54 minutes (instead of 1hr, 32 minutes). The site is using Oracle 9i.

    ASSM is Oracle's "Automatic Segment Space Management". It is specified in the CREATE TABLESPACE command as either MANUAL or AUTO. (The default is MANUAL and the distributed ./alephm/sql_tab/aleph_tablespaces.sql are defaulting to MANUAL.)
    Note: It may be that certain tuning -- or a higher version of Oracle 9i -- could make the ASSM perform better in this case.


    In a version 22 case, it took item-06 several days to process 1.5 million items.  But, as the job doesn't lock the library, the site just let it run and it did eventually complete.



    • Article last edited: 02/02/2016