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    Item has a lending ILL request, cannot delete item.

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Problem Symptoms:
    * specific item should be deleted via the GUI
    * But it is not possible because of the error (c0138 delete 24): Item has a lending ILL request, cannot delete item.
    * The lending request to which the item is linked has status DEL

    In the request log you can see that the lending request was created by the SLNP server, then it was rejected with "Unfilled" and then the status was changed manually from "Unfilled" to "Deleted". The item information still exists in the lending request.

    * Future cases are prevented from happening by the following fix:

    Fix Number: 000039
    Date: 2012-02-29 14:27:31

    Description: When the SLNP server submits a lending ILL request and the requested title has only one (available) item, the request is created with status "AHP", the item information is filled in the field Z416_ITEM_INFO and a hold request (z37) is created for the item.
    However, if the item is not found on the shelf for some reason and the library rejects the request by clicking the "Unfilled" button, the status of the lending request is changed to "Answer Unfilled", but the item information (Z416_ITEM_INFO) is retained. This prevents the item from being moved to another ADM record - the error message "Cannot move item. Item is connected to incoming ILL request" is displayed.

    Solution: This has been corrected. Now, when clicking the "Unfilled" button for lending ILL requests having the "SLNP" protocol type, the item information is deleted from the request.

    * For the current existing case, the problem can only be fixed by an SQL update which removes the item information from the lending request.

    Category: Cataloging (500)

    Subject: Items (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013