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    Item records retrieved by non-alphanumeric characters


    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Direct, Local, Total Care


    An item displays by searching for something other than a standard barcode or call number. 
    Entering a character (e.g. semicolon) into the barcode search retrives a valid item record.


    Defect Status    


    Replication Steps    
    1. In Aleph's GUI Circulation module, a comma (or other non-alphanumeric character - e.g., a semicolon), is entered into the Item Bar near the top of the screen, and "Enter" is clicked. 
    2. A valid item record is retrieved, with its information displaying in the Item tab. 
    3. Any investigation of the record does not explain why that particular non-alphanumeric character retrieves that particular item record, every time.


    This has been a known issue since Aleph version 20. 
    This article is intended only to identify this issue. 
    It is recommended to only enter standard searches in the Item Bar.


    Additional Info / Related Articles    
    If nothing else occurs except item retrieval, this is as expected. 
    However, it is possible that another activity is initiated, e.g., a transit slip is created for the item.
    If this is the case, see article "Transit slips created for items when non-alphanumeric characters are entered in Item Bar in GUI" for correcting this issue.



    • Article last edited: 02-Mar-2016
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