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    Items with expired z37_end_request_date's which are on hold shelf

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    The item x36241773 has a hold on it by patron ID597040.

    The hold request date was 19/02/10, the end request date is 26/04/2010.
    The hold date is 25/04/2010 and the end hold date is 29/04/2010.

    The item is waiting on the hold shelf but has a status of available.

    Is it possible to have the end hold date automatically correspond to the end request date if the end request date falls between the hold date and the end hold date?

    What you need is something that (1) produces a list of z37's with an expired z37_end_request_date which are on the hold shelf.

    I thought that perhaps the p_cir_06 (Hold Shelf Report) or the p_cir_17 (Delete Expired Hold Requests) might help with this, but

    the former does not consider the z37_end_request_date and (optionally) deletes requests with expired z37_end_hold_date's and

    the latter ignores any request with z37_status = S (which is the status of all the items on the hold shelf).

    Thus, it seems that neither of these will meet your need.

    It seems that you would need to do one of two things:

    1) submit an enhancement request asking that p_cir_06 be changed to also consider the z37_end_request_date or

    2) execute the following SQL periodically:

    SQL> select z30_call_no, z37_id from z30, z37 where z37_status = 'S' and z37_end_request_date < TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'YYYYYMMDD') and z30_rec_key = substr (z37_rec_key,1,15);

    This will give staff a list of call numbers and patron record numbers of items with expired end-request-dates which can be removed from the hold shelf.

    Another option would be SQL to update the z37_end_hold_date to = z37_request_date if z37_end_hold_date is greater. Then the items would be caught by the p_cir_06 Hold Shelf Report.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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