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    Large MARC records do not index in logical bases

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 21

    Problem Symptoms:
    * There are some very large records that do not index in logical base
    * Logical is based on PST field
    * Record has many 505 fields

    Record has many 505 fields, which are indexed in 3 index codes (WRD,WNO and WNC), thus exceeding the limit of 4950 index entries.
    Field PST used for the base search is at the end of the record and cannot be indexed

    The limit of 4950 index entries can not be enhanced.

    * Reduce the number index codes for field 505
    If you delete one of the 3 index codes for this field in tab11_word, you can reduce the index entries to 66 percent.

    In Version 22 (rep_ver 19160), the limit for word indexing has been increased to 20,000 words (from 4,950).

    Additional Information

    * Prior to version 22, the maximum number of words which can be included in the Word indexes for a single record was 4950. And we have seen cases where a record is at or near this limit where the deletion of certain words does not cause a proper delete of the text from the Word index.

    * Changing word index entries requires run of p_manage_01 to re-index the whole database.

    Category: Background processing (500) - ALEPH

    Subject: Indexing (500) - ALEPH

    • Article last edited: 9/15/2014