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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Library encumbers but doesn't invoice serials resulting in huge encumbrance

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 17.01

    Over the past two years the ABC50 library has been creating orders and encumbering their serials. However, they do not link the invoice to the encumbered titles. Thus, when getting ready to create their serials fund for the new accounting year, they have encumbrances of $400,000. Is there any way to get rid of these encumbrances other than creating an invoice and linking all of the orders?

    An example is fund PERPRINT-2005.

    If all of the encumbrances for this budget PERPRINT-2005 should be deleted, the following SQL will do that:

    SQL> delete from z601 where z601_rec_key like 'PERPRINT-2005%' and z601_type = 'ENC';

    Be sure to run p_file_03 to back up the z601 table before performing any such SQL.

    Additional Information


    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013