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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Link from SFX to Aleph finds a record that isn't there

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    We are using the Z39.50 Lookup plugin for the link from SFX to our local catalog. This has been working very well, but I can't figure out why a search for "International journal of modern physics E, Nuclear physics (0218-3013)" produces an SFX menu that says the record is in our catalog when, in fact, it isn't.

    In other words, we do not have a record for the "International journal of modern physics. E, Nuclear physics." in our Aleph catalog (or at least it does not come up with any standard searches). However, when a user clicks on the SFX button from some other resource, it shows a hit on the ISSN, presumably based on a Z39.50 search and even seems to retrieve some bib information on the title, right? The mismatch between SFX and Aleph is mysterious.

    The problem is that the Z39.50 server is not screening out Suppressed records when it searches. This is happening because the Z39.50 connection is searching against the ABC01 base, which you do not have set up to eliminate duplicates. To change this, you want to change the searches so they work against the U-ABC01 base or another base that eliminates Suppressed records. To do this, you need to edit z3950_lookup.config on the SFX server and point the base param to U-ABC01 there.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013