Loan records with obsolete sublibrary code
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
- Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Direct, Local, Total Care
The ROS library was removed from the Aleph and items were relinked to other libraries. But we still find ROS loans with "ROS as the z36_sub_library:
Code/ID Reason for reject
1/000000541_000003214000140 Library not found for code = ROS. Loan originating id: 000109175
1/000000778_000004336000160 Library not found for code = ROS. Loan originating id: 000095226
1/000000534_000003214000060 Library not found for code = ROS. Loan originating id: 000096313
The following SQL was used to overwrite the z36_sub_library with the (correct) z30_sub_library:
update xxx50.z36 set z36_sub_library = (select z30_sub_library from xxx50.z30 where z36_rec_key = z30_rec_key) where z36_sub_library = 'ROS ';
- Article last edited: 8-Mar-2018