Loans for online and withdrawn items
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
We have been getting overdue notices for items in in-transit accounts. Recently, the items getting overdue notices are either online or withdrawn.
Barcode 31205009324227 belonging to the Main library was checked in and came up with the message "not on loan". To make sure, the staff scanned it again and got the message for in-transit. The return history of the workstation shows that the item in transit has barcode 31205011238613 belonging to the Arts library which was withdrawn on 1/20/08. The loan history shows that this withdrawn item has circulated 13 times after being withdrawn.
The previous case I have been following is for an Internet Resource with barcode B341201. This item gets in-transit when the check-ins happen in the Arts library. It shows 21 loans.
We have reviewed tab15.eng and tab16 but we can't find what is possibly causing this.
I see that you have ITEM-BARCODE-OR-CALL-NO=Y in the abc50 tab100. The tab100 header says this:
!# Values:Y N Default: Y
!# Type: Text; Max Length: 01
!# tab100 of library: Yes; tab100_<server_type>: No.
! Note that this switch is relevant for the Item Bar of the Circulation module
! and for item retrieval during self check.
! Y = Item retrieval by call number is enabled
! N = Item retrieval by call number is disabled (i.e. there is
! an attempt to retrieve the item by barcode; if it fails,
! no further attempt is made to retrieve by call number).
I note that item 002681731-000010 (barcode B341201) has:
02 z30_call_no_type ............0
02 z30_call_no .................
02 z30_call_no_key .............0
and that item 001122189-000010 (barcode 31205011238613) has:
02 z30_call_no_type ............4
02 z30_call_no .................
02 z30_call_no_key .............4
I believe that when the loan is being done just the number "0" or "4" is being entered into the Item Bar box. There is no match on barcode, and the system is looking for a matching call number.
Testing on our server, I find that when I enter "1" into the Item Bar box, the system calls up (and loans) an item with the following values:
02 z30_call_no_type ............1
02 z30_call_no .................
02 z30_call_no_key .............1
I strongly recommend that you change the tab100 to
and restart the pc_server. This setting will *not* prevent you from looking up items by call number -- it will just prevent you from *checking out* items using the call number.
KB 8192-841is a similar case in regard to the return of items.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013