Loans not changing state to LOST
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Patron 988402234 has 5 overdue books which should have changed to Lost and the $45 lost charge applied.
Why didn't this happen?
Looking at your tab32, I see that loans *should* be set to Lost after the second notice.
p_cir_51 has a "Type of Letter" parameter with possible values of "Overdue notice", "Bill for lost item", or "All of the above". (See KB 6588 in regard to a potential problem with "All of the above".)
Most sites do one run for Overdue notices and a second for Bills.
Looking in $alephe_scratch, I see that all the p_cir_51 "p_letter_type"s are "O":
aleph@aleph19(a20_2)> grep p_letter_type pac50_p_cir_51*
abc50_p_cir_51.04667:setenv p_letter_type "O"
abc50_p_cir_51.04668:setenv p_letter_type "O"
abc50_p_cir_51.04669:setenv p_letter_type "O"
abc50_p_cir_51.04671:setenv p_letter_type "O"
You need to add a second job_list entry for p_cir_51 (or p_cir_50) with p_letter type "L".
See KB 8192-4557 for a complete discussion of overdue notice logic.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013