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    Message "Non-returnable" when clicking on "Course Doc List"

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    After upgrading from version 18 to 20 and creating a course in the GUI Circ, when I click on "Course Doc List" in the left-hand frame, I get the message "Non-returnable" as shown in the attached screen. (Rather than the Course Doc List column headers which I *should* get.)

    The usm30 tab00.eng contains this line which is lacking in the abc30 tab00.eng:

    H CNO-S IND 02 00 00 CNO+Sequence

    There are also some COUxx and CONxx lines ACC lines which are missing from abc30 tab00.eng.

    And the usm30 tab11_ind contains this line which is lacking in the abc30 tab11_ind:

    CNO CNO-S a

    And there are also COUxx and CONxx lines missing from the abc30 tab11_acc.

    You *definitely* need the CNO-S entry in tab00.eng and tab11_ind. Its lack is what is causing this problem.

    You can either copy the individual lines or, perhaps, copy the entire usm30 tab00.eng, tab11_ind, and tab11_acc to abc30 and restart the pc_server.

    Please also consider if there are other updates which have been made to usm30/tab/ for the v18-20 upgrade (and which should have been done as part of Upgrade Express) which you have not made to abc30/tab/ .

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013