More Information on rep_change 1492
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
Is more information available on rep_change 1492?
Description: "Additional exceptional cases have been added to the mechanism that corrects the tag and indicators when a bibliographic field is updated from an authority record. When the updated bibliographic tag is 043,072,080 or contains a "9", the tag and indicators of the field are not updated."
When are bib tags 043, 072, 080 corrected, and how is the "9" involved?
The conditions under which an update of the BIB field occurs are described in KB 8192-2423.
As discussed in point #2 in that KB record, column 7 of tab01.eng would need to point to an ACC index in which this field (043, 072, 080, 9xx, x9x, or xx9) is included in order for fix_doc_ref_1 to be operating on it.
If one of these tags is included in tab01.eng -- and, thus, is being checked by fix_doc_ref_1 --, the tag and indicators are not updated (as tags/indicators of other fields can be).
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013