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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Must All IDs in Z308 be Unique?

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Is the circulation client designed to assure that all IDs in Z308 are unique, regardless of Z308-KEY-TYPE? For example, if I try to add an ID type 06 to a borrower record, and the data in that field is identical to the data in an existing borrower record's 00 ID type record, I get an error message stating that the "key conflicts with System user number [#]."

    It appears to me that the system checks all IDs in Z308 to see if they have already been assigned and prohibits the same number from being used in another borrower record, even if the number is in a different ID type. Is this correct? [

    Yes, this is correct. Our suggestion would be for you to add a prefix to the ID type 06 to distinguish it.

    The system does this because there are cases where, depending on $usr_library/tab_bor_id.eng, it allows IDs of different types to be entered in (for GUI or Web identification) without distinguishing the type.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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