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    Must z-tables be in file_list -- z323 and z370

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    1. Can you confirm that a z-table needs to be included in the appropriate file_list if we want to use it in Aleph? As an example, if we want to use the new Z323 table in v18 for RSS feeds, we must include z323 in one of the file_lists?

    2. v18_tab_changes_20060331.xls lists z323 as a new table, but gives no indication of which library/file_list should include this table.

    3. Similarly, can you tell me where z370, also new in v18, should be built?

    1. Yes, a z-table needs to be in the file_list of the library where the table is supposed to reside. Note that, by setting the file_list_type, the z-table may not need to be *explicitly* in the file_list -- it could be obtained from the file_list template for this library type. See Knowledge Base record 5857.

    2. By going to the file_list template directory (./a18_2/aleph/tab) and doing " grep -i z323 * ", I find that the z323 is in the $usr_library file_list.

    3. By going to the file_list template directory (./a18_2/aleph/tab) and doing " grep -i z370 * ", I find that the z370 is in the $usr_library file_list.

    See KB 8192-5035 in regard to the z370.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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