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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    New PC gets "This station (IP address) cannot loan items belonging to ..."

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Problem Symptoms:
    A new PC at the Circ desk gets the following message when trying to check out items:

    "This station (IP address) cannot loan items belonging to yyyyy ..." <where "yyyyy" is the sublibrary the item belongs to> .

    The PC which this one was replacing had a workstation ID set -- with a corresponding entry in the xxx50 tab_attr_sub_library table.

    Using the "Set Workstation Identifier" function (found under the key icon at the bottom right of the screen) add the desired Workstation Identifier.

    Additional Information

    Article 000021369 (KB 16384-67025) {"Diagnosing "This station (IP address) cannot loan items belonging to..." message} describes how to diagnose this problem.

    Article 000020225 (KB 16384-49281) ("Accessing server via GUI without use of IP address") describes how to set the workstation ID.

    The Aleph table which controls this is the./xxx50/tab/tab_attr_sub_library. tab_attr_sub_library can contain ip addresses and/or workstation ID's. In the case of xxx50, it has workstation ID's:


    If this PC is one of the above, the workstation ID can be specified by right-clicking on the skeleton key on the lower right and selecting "Set Workstation Identifier".

    If the desired ID is not already included in the ./xxx50/tab/tab_attr_sub_library, it can be set as described above, and added to the xxx50 tab_attr_sub_library .

    Typically, workstation ID's are used in cases where DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is being used, and IP-addresses are not fixed and are subject to change.

    • Article last edited: 11/20/2013