New added FMTs give problem with showing availabilty in OPAC
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
Aleph was enhanced with new FMT-tags PA, SL, PR, PH, OB, DR. Changes were made in xxx01/tab/tab_type_config.lng and xxx01/pc_tab/catalog/formats.lng.
In the OPAC brief list for a specific record there is no availability shown but record's system number.
The sample record has no item record and no holding record. Therefore no "Availability" can be displayed. In table xxx01/tab/www_tab_short.lng the last entry is the system number which will be displayed in case there is no Availability. I would suggest to delete the last line (System number display) from xxx01/tab/www_tab_short.lng.
Category: Web OPAC (500) - ALEPH
Subject: ALEPH - 500
- Article last edited: 5/21/2014