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    Non-circulating items are loaned

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Some items with item status 02 (non-circulating) are showing up with the "in transit" message, how this loans get on the record?

    Also, the item history shows several loan transactions (physically these have never left the library, and they have never been loaned through the system according to the lib.). The loans are linked to circ divisions at other colleges. Furthermore, on occasion, the loans are linked to patrons at other colleges.

    The problem comes to the ABCM Music Library's attention especially when a student at another institution finds that they have a loan outstanding for an ABCM recording. The Music Library gets a call and verifies that the loan could not have happened (they know that, since these items never go out on loan). The lib. doesn't know how or why this is happening for this category of material.

    This problem involves tab15 and tab16. Please check them for the item involved in one of these problem loans.

    1. There's a line in tab15.eng for each particular item status ("02") and item process status. Does the item have a z30_item_process_status -- or did it have such a status at the time the loan occurred? (You will need to check the Z36H-PROCESS-STATUS or the Z30H item history to determine this.)

    tab15 column 6 has "Y"/"N" for whether the item can be loaned. What does it have for item status 02 and the item's item process status? If both lines are "N", this item should not be loan-able. If the item had a process status and that status' line has "Y" for col. 6, that takes precedence over an "N" in the item status' line.

    But please note that tab15 column 6 is consulted *only* if the tab_check_circ has these lines:

    LOAN check_circ_7_a
    ILL-L check_circ_7_a

    2. tab16 has the policies for loaning an item from a particular sublibrary, with a particular item status, to a patron with a particular borrower status.

    3. The item belongs to a particular sublibrary. $alephe_tab/tab_sub_library.eng says which tab16 GROUP-ID the sublibrary is part of. Please check tab_sub_library.eng and get the tab16 GROUP-ID for the item's z30_sublibrary.

    4. Take that GROUP-ID and locate the lines in tab16 which have it as a value in column 1. Then find the lines which have 02 in column 2. Then, from those, find the line which has the patron's borrower status in column 4. If there's an exact match on all of these elements, then that line should be applicable. If not, then you will need to check the wildcards.

    5. If the specific item status is not found in column 2 this GROUP-ID, then is there a "##"? If so, that is the line you want to be looking at.

    6. If the specific borrower status is not found in column 4 for this GROUP-ID/item status, then is there a "##"? That's the line you want to be looking at.

    7. Once you have found the relevant line: Does the line have "00" for the maximum number of loans in column 12 --or something else? (Note: if the item has or had an item-process-status, you will need to check that line instead.)

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013