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    OPAC - name of library in patron data, bor-info

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 21


    Table bor-info shows under the activities only xxx51 and xxx52. This should be changed to a more coherent text, e.g. "School lib. (xxx51)" and "Regional lib. (xxx52)". Is this possible?


    The text for this line comes from the library name assigned in $alephe_tab/tab_base.lng, column 1. So unfortunately this can't be changed. However you might add an additional line (as a title) where a different name can be used.

    The following modifications are necessary:

    1) Changed the library name in column 3 of $alephe_tab/tab_base.lng
    ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    USM51 School lib. (USM51) USM51 N
    USM52 Regional lib (USM52) USM52 N

    2) Added the following line in $alephe_root/www_f_ita/bor-info:
    <table cellspacing=2 width="70%" >

    This will create an additional line with the information "School lib. (xxx51)" and "Regional lib. (xxx52)" so that there will be an explanation.

    Category: Web OPAC (500) - ALEPH

    Subject: ALEPH - 500

    • Article last edited: 7/18/2014