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    OPAC URL at PACSCL sites connects to generic (USM01) OPAC rather than local


    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Dedicated-Direct, Direct, Local, Total Care




    [This problem seems to be unique to sites with multiple u-trees -- such as PACSCL.] 

    The address of one's web OPAC (example: no longer takes one to the local, customized OPAC, but, instead, takes one to the generic Ex Libris University web page. takes one to the screen -- which is the generic Aleph /exlibris/aleph/wis/u20_3/alephe/www_f_eng/login screen -- rather than the customized ./www_f_eng/login-wn801 . 

    Clicking on "View source", one sees 8998 as the port it will use rather than 48996. And clicking on "Guest", one gets to the generic (find-b) search screen with "8998" in the URL at the top. 

    The www_server_44996 is being successfully restarted each night, but, as shown above, it's never getting to 44996, but is being diverted to 8998 (and www_server 4994). 

    The question is why it's switching from 48996 to 8998. 


    The WIS apache 48996 is running on aleph instance /exlibris/aleph/a20_3 instead of /exlibris/aleph/wis/u20_3/. 

    Stopped apache and www_server on both instances (needed to log in as root in order to kill certain processes), and then started on wis_user *first*. Just restarting didn't help, because it would start on the aleph instance. 

    See links in Additional Information below for more common causes (at non-PACSCL sites) of generic OPAC being used.

    Additional Information

    Articles describing more common causes:
     "Not-logged-on OPAC user gets wrong base (generic "USM01" base)"
     "OPAC linking to USM instead of our screen after switch to port 80/running utml"
     "OPAC has generic "USM" screens; GUI staff log-ins not working **MASTER**"
     "OPAC user gets wrong base; profile/base program logic"




    • Article last edited: 02-Mar-2016
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