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    OPAC timeout and My eShelf

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    Our Metatags have this timeout set:
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1200; url=&server_f_start" />

    A session for a person who have not signed in does timeout after 20 minutes.

    The www_server in proc has this:
    if (! $?www_a_s_time_out) then
    setenv www_a_s_time_out 0600

    I believe this is a timout for a session that has a signon, i.e. half the length.

    We seem to have occurrances on a session going back to the start page, but the eShelf still populated.

    Would it help to adjust these numbers, i.e. get them in sync?
    Can I read the setenv www_a_s_time_out to the www_serv.conf?

    I think what you mean is that if the last page you visit is "documents in my e-shelf", this page doesn't redirect to the start page when the session times out (600 seconds defined in ./aleph/proc/www_server); it will redirect to start page when it reaches the refresh value (1200 seconds defined in meta-tags).

    You have to set them to the same value in meta-tags and www_server if you want to synchronize them.

    You can setenv www_a_s_time_out in www_server.conf.
    Then ALEPH uses this value as web opac session timeout. (it won't use the value for www_a_s_time_out in ./aleph/proc/www_server.)
    But this doesn't affect the refresh value defined in meta-tags.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013