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    ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes; locating deleted bib records

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 17.01

    We have what appear to be many deleted bibs with headings still indexed. To resolve this, I want to gather the system numbers of deleted bibs and run them through p-manage-40. When I try to retrieve the bib numbers with this query:.

    select Z00_DOC_NUMBER from z00 where Z00_DATA like ...'.

    I get the error: ERROR at line 2: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes.

    What causes this? (Note: we do not have z00R built, hence the query on z00).

    The z00_data field is in BLOB (Binary Long OBject) format and cannot be included in a "where" clause in SQL.

    Running p_ret_01 on the "DEL" field retrieved the deleted records. That's probably the best.

    I also suggested two SQLs:.

    1. This will get just "DEL $aY"* :

    SQL-EXU01> select z00_doc_number from z00 minus select substr (Z103_REC_KEY_1,6,9) from z103;.

    2. (from PRB 2332). This will get "DEL $aY" or "STA $aDeleted" :.

    SQL> select z13_rec_key from z13 where Z13_TITLE is null;.

    * Note in regard to #1. As described in KB 8192-2744, it could also get erroneous cases where the bib is not deleted but there is no HOL or ADM or, at least, no links to HOL or ADM. Such cases should be none or few. The first SQL in KB 8192-2744 describes how to locate them.

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    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013