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    ORA-04036: PGA memory used by the instance exceeds PGA AGGREGATE LIMIT

    • Product: Aleph, ARC
    • Product Version: Aleph 23, ARC 4.5
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare



    The problem can result in various problems:

    A) Since migrating to Aleph 23 (Oracle 12c), the performance is lower than before
    B) Oracle error: ORA-04036: PGA memory used by the instance exceeds PGA AGGREGATE LIMIT
    C) Server is not accessible


    [Note the following steps should be performed by the Database administrator] 

    1. Assuming this is a Linux box, make sure /dev/shm has more than 11520 MB* available space. If not increase it, otherwise the DB will fail to start. (Note: "11520 MB" is just an example. This will vary from machine to machine.) 
    2. Backup the existing parameter file by creating a pfile (assuming an spfile is used). 
    3. on the DB server, login as sysdba: 
    su - oracle 
    sqlplus / as sysdba

    2. Run alter system command to change parameter:
    ALTER SYSTEM SET pga_aggregate_limit=0 SCOPE=BOTH;

    Additional Information

    By default the parameter pga_aggregate_limit is set to 2 GB in Oracle 12c. The above change will revert it to the one used in Oracle version

    • Article last edited: 13-Feb-2019
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