OWN field, record deletion or modifying value?
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
We deleted a specific sublibrary from our system but there are still some HOL records which have an OWN field with the according sublibrary code. How can I delete those records or change the OWN field to another value?
1.Create a list of Aleph Sequential files for records that have in HOL record’s OWN field sublibrary code NNN
1.a) Use “Retrieve Catalog Records (ret-01)” in HOL library and search for OWN field with value NNN
1.b) Run „Download Machine-Readable Records (print-03)” for the output of ret-01 and select only field OWN
2. Deletion of HOL records:
Run „Load ALEPH Sequential MARC Records (manage-18)” in HOL library with options “Update current records in the database” and “Delete a record”
3. Modify OWN field value
3.a) Open output file from 1.b) in vi editor on your server. Use the following command in order to change the OWN field
Save the file.
3.b) Load the modified file using „Load ALEPH Sequential MARC Records (manage-18)” with options “Update current records in the database” and “Replace fields within a record”
Category: Cataloging (500)
Subject: Holdings (500)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013