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    Obtaining a random sample via p_ret_01

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 15.2

    I would like to retrieve 100 records from our 01 library - but I was wondering, is there a way to get a random sample? Say, no parameters other than I know I want 100 records, and I know I want them to come from our bib library. Is there some trick to doing this with ret-01 or another service?

    I know we can do it with SQL but it's a bit more time-consuming than a ret01 would be via the GUI. So I just wanted to see if it can be done in Aleph.

    p_ret_01 doesn't have any facility for doing this.

    You could do it like this:

    SQL> select z00_doc_number || 'ABC01' from z00 where substr(z00_doc_number,7,3) = '000';

    This will give you every 1000th number, with "ABC01" appended:


    Then you can use this file as input to p_print_03 -- or some other print job.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013