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    Oracle Tables for Word Indexes

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    I would like Oracle table explanations of what is in Z98, Z980, and Z95.

    Z97 is the Words index. It contains all the words of the database and their number. If the index was built with adjacency, the word index will include also ‘words’ like “newhistory” etc.

    Z98 is bit-map. It includes the map for all the documents in the database and indicators for every word + index (for example: 001878731 + W-NTL), whether it exists in the document (1/0).

    Z95/z950 indicates all the words of a document.

    (pre-v16) Z980 indicates documents numbers whose words were updated, and for which z98 should be updated.

    How to check word indexes:
    1) In tab00.eng, the sequence for word index NTL is W-026 (for WRD is W-001).

    2) z97 sequence is: Util/f/4/z97 k/1/ <word>. (For NTL this word may be taken from expanded NTL field.) The sequence is like “000992459” for ‘history’.

    3) z98: Go to util/F/4/ word3 utility, enter nnn99999999, i.e. : [tab00][z97] like this:
    [026][000992459] : 026000992459.

    The output will be number of documents with the word and their system numbers:
    Rec key = 026000992459 Number of items = 000000005
    Doc number = 000000011
    Doc number = 000000013
    Doc number = 000000027
    Doc number = 000000053
    Doc number = 000000075

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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