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    Order of Z07A processing

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20, 21, 22, 23

    A question regarding z07 and z07a: For z07 records you have the possibility to prioritize the ongoing indexing, e.g. newly cataloged records get a higher priority than loaded records. See documentation "Aleph 20 Syslib Guide - Indexing.pdf", chapter 2.2.1. But what about z07a??? In which order are they indexed?

    As a z07a record is copied from a z07 record when a z07 record is deleted it seems logical that z07a records appear in the same order as z07 records. Is that true?

    Yes, that is true.

    Like the Z07, the Z07A has a 15-byte Z07A-SEQUENCE field. Like the ue_01 which reads the z07, the ue_01_word and ue_01_z0102 which read the z07a process the records in Z07A-SEQUENCE order.

    Testing shows that the z07a_sequence's are *exactly* the same as the z07_sequence's of the z07's from which they have been derived -- and they will be processed in exactly the same order as the z07's were.


    One exception is the case of new records:  z07a's with a doc-number which is greater than the util g/2 LAST-DOC-NUMBER-minus-200 have their Z07A-SEQUENCE forced to the highest priority ("1990") -- since it's felt that new records should have the highest priority. (This is hard-coded in the programs.) 

    • Article last edited: 15-Nov-2016
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