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    Other version of new request page is used instead of restored version

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    We installed ILL SP 367 early this morning on our test server. Before doing so, in an effort to make our test and production environments more similar, we copied the directories for the tables, forms, www_l_eng, www_p_eng and www_m_eng from production to test.

    We did see the error of our ways in copying the www directories, and those were restored to their original state before the sp was installed.

    Since the installation, however, when you attempt to go to borrowing, submit a new request, and select SYS01 to search for a title, you are connected to the production OPAC. Additionally, other targets we had on the new request page no longer appear (they should no longer be active since the table directory was copied over, but they should still appear).

    We've checked out-new-request in the www_l_eng directory, and the links all point to Poseidon. It appears that the screen is not clearing out. Or, is there a different place where the new request page is obtaining the links?

    When you restore a file for which the system has created a utf_files version, that file will not be used unless its timestamp is later than that of the utf_files version.

    In this particular case, I found a
    /exlibris/ill/utf_files/exlibris/ill/u16_2/alephe/www_l_eng/out-new-request file with a timestamp of "Sep 28 21:52" while the /exlibris/ill/u16_2/alephe/www_l_eng/out-new-request file has timestamp of "Sep 28 17:21".

    You need to enter:
    * touch /exlibris/ill/u16_2/alephe/www_l_eng/out-new-request (to give it a new timestamp);
    * delete the /exlibris/ill/utf_files/exlibris/ill/u16_2/alephe/www_l_eng/out-new-request file; or
    * run util x/7 to delete all the utf_files

    Additional Information

    www directory, borrow, request, utf_files

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013