Output file for file-96 (orders)
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 22
When running "Generic Vendor Records Loader (file-96)" no order numbers are displayed in the output ....orders but ADM system numbers. Is that correct?
Yes, it's correct that not the order number but the z68_rec_key (ADM number + order sequence) from z68 record is shown in the output file:
01 z68_order \
02 z68_rec_key \
03 doc_number ...................001067646
03 sequence .....................00001
02 z68_order_type .................M
02 z68_order_number ...............274793
Category: Acquisitions (500) - ALEPH
Subject: ALEPH - 500
- Article last edited: 8/29/2014