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    Partial printing of search results

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    When a result set of a search is bigger than 40 records, F11 function cannot print the complete list.
    For example:
    1. In catalog module we searched, using the search term "words anywhere in the record", for the word arts.
    2. The result set contained 492 records.
    3. We then clicked on the "Show" button to get a brief list.
    4. Once the brief list was displayed, we pressed the F11 button.
    The system opened a "print preview" window with th first 40 records from the available 492. In the last line we got the message "Unable to Find Id: NonRetrieveableData in File: message.dat".
    How can we print all 492 records?

    To print a large full set of records in the "Show" tab of the search node scroll down ALL the records with the down arrow (do not use the mouse to jump to the last record) and when reaching the last record - click on F11.

    Additional Information

    print preview, F11, search, show

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013