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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Particular user can't SSH to Aleph from particular workstation

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    One particular user can't SSH in to our Aleph 20 dev instance from a particular workstation. He has two workstations in his office, one he can login from, the other he can't as it keeps returning the password prompt box.

    This incident is isolated to this one particular workstation. Note that he can logon to this server with other user accounts. The server /var/adm/messages log simply indicates it is a wrong password being supplied but that doesn't appear to be the case as we've confirmed he is using the proper credentials.

    [From Ex Libris:]

    Though Aleph controls OPAC and GUI logins (and can prevent login based on IP address), log-in to the server is beyond the Aleph scope. The user is placed in an Aleph directory once login has occurred, but Aleph does not play any role prior to log-in.

    Also, when a particular ip address is filtered (in unix or the firewall), the user is *not* given the login screen. The fact that this user is being given the login screen and has the error at the password level indicates a password problem.

    [From site:]

    This issue has been resolved. The user had a typo in the username that was saved in his SSH profile.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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