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    Patron Local Cost Charges Appear Although tab18.eng Lines = N

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 18.01

    Dollar amounts appear in Patron Local Cost, when Borrowing receives a returnable or a non-returnable request. However, no cash transaction is created.
    Our tab18.eng has the ILL lines set to:
    0011 ##### ## N ILL request
    0015 ##### ## N Y ILL material arrival
    0016 ##### ## N Library charge for incoming ILL request
    Why do these charges appear?

    While the ill-bor-charge and ill_lend_charge table amounts are not actually used to create cash transactions if line 0015 in tab18.<lng> has column 4 set to N, numbers from these tables WILL display.
    In order to stop the price amounts from displaying, comment out the lines in both ./<ILL library>/tab/ill_bor_charge and ./<ILL library>/tab/ill_lend_charge.
    Please note that the charges, if they exist, are inserted into the Z411 record at an early stage and they are updated ONLY
    [1] when the request is created or modified
    [2] after adding a new potential supplier.

    If the following files still exist, Integrated ILL users should also remove tab_ill_charge from both the ADM library (xxx50) and the ILL library (xxx40) and tab_ill_in_charge from the ILL library (xxx40). These are leftovers from WebILL.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013