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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Patrons missing barcode can't be updated: "failed to find z308-key-type 01..."

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    In our production database, we have several hundred records which are missing their barcode (z308 type 01).

    This happened when we had a problematic run of p_file_20 and it wasn't noticed until it was really too late to restore all the z30x tables.

    I now have a list of ID card barcodes that I want to import into Aleph. When I try to use p_file_20 to add the ID's, I get this error:

    Error (b_file_20_chk_edit_record) : failed to find z308-key-type 01 for cur-id XXXXX

    It seems it won't add it if it doesn't already exist.... How I can get the 01 ID's added for these patrons?

    If these these patrons don't have any barcode record in ALEPH, then they have not had any circ activity. You can delete them. Then p_file_20 will be able to load them OK.

    You can take the patron ID's from the p_file_20 error file and use them as input to p_cir_23 ("Delete patron records").

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013