Patrons not fined for overdue items
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 20
What can prevent a fine from being charged for the return (or renewal) of an overdue item?
In case #2 below (and, possibly, case #1 and 3 also) the fine *will* appear in the fine column of the patron's List of Loans tab before before the item is returned or renewed.
1. the fine amount in tab16, col. 11, is 0.00;
2. the number of days overdue is fewer than the grace days in tab16, col. 7 (see example below)
3. "z305_ignore_late_return Y" in the z305 (local patron) record.
To change the value of z305_ignore_late_return, go to the GUI Circ,Local Patron Information -- Local Privileges and set the "Late Return Ignored" flag to "N".
Additional Information
Article 000043291 ("How are regular overdue fines calculated?") includes all of these cases in its logic ( How are regular overdue fines calculated? **MASTER RECORD** ).
For case #3, the following SQL shows how many patrons have "N", and how many have "Y":
SQL> select z305_ignore_late_return, count(*) from z305 group by z305_ignore_late_return;
Example for case #2:
* In ./xxx50/tab/tab16 is set:
16A 01 ## ## + 00000030 10 A 2400 0000 00000 005 099 2 02 000 2
16A 02 ## ## + 00000015 05 A 2400 0000 00000 005 099 2 02 000 2
16A 03 ## ## + 00000007 04 A 2400 0000 00000 005 099 2 02 000 2
16A 04 ## ## + 00000001 01 A 2400 0000 00000 005 099 2 02 000 2
* Col.7 of the tab defines the Grace days, that is, number of days within which late return is"forgiven".
For items with status 03 this value is set to 04 (four days).
* The due date of the loan was on 13/12/2012
02 z36h_loan_date ...............20121205
02 z36h_loan_hour ...............1125
02 z36h_effective_due_date ......00000000
02 z36h_due_date ................20121213
02 z36h_due_hour ................2400
02 z36h_returned_date ...........20121215
02 z36h_returned_hour ...........1104
and the loan was returned on 15/12/2012
* Patron returned the loan in the grace period
* The late return was "forgiven" and no fine or fee was charged for it.
Category: Circulation
- Article last edited: 11/21/2013