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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Patrons receive error when trying to create ILL requests via OPAC

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20

    Most, if not all, patrons (that are in good standing) in one of our ADM's are getting an error message in the OPAC when trying to place an ILL request:

    "Please contact your local library for help with your interlibrary loan request. ABC, QRS, and WXY customers use Illiad. See help link for details."

    Only patrons from ABC, QRS, and WXY should get this particular message. We removed the ILL library from their patron records so they would get this message as they use ILLiad for ILL.

    We cannot find any reason why these patrons would get an error when trying to place an ILL request:
    Patrons have the correct ILL library and home library in their records
    Patrons have not expired, are not delinquent or have any blocks.

    What could be causing these patrons to get an error message when trying to create an ILL request?

    Two ./error_eng/www_f message codes issue this message: 201 and 205. We determined that it was the 205, in the www_f_fill_new_ill_request program, that was issuing the message -- using the following logic:


    The sys00 and abc50 tab100's are both defaulting to "N" for MULTI-ILL-UNIT-SELECT, so the "Z700-BORROWING-ALLOWED" would always be checked.

    The following are z700 (ILL Partner) records which have z700_borrowing_allowed = N and, therefore, would get the error message:

    sys00@ALEPH20> select Z700_REC_KEY, Z700_ILL_LIBRARY from z700 where Z700_BORROWING_ALLOWED = 'N';
    The other (207) z700's have z700_borrowing_allowed = 'Y' and, therefore, would not get this message.

    [From site:] We thought we checked everything, but missed the allowed borrowing. The library staff had changed it to "no" for a staff vacation and then forgot to change it back to "yes".

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013
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