Perfomance problems in serials module
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 21
Problem Symptoms:
Performance problems in serials module when opening new issues, system runs into timeout.
Huge amount of items
rep_ver #017763 in Aleph 21 provides the following solution:
Description: Once an item record is changed Z07 records are created. The Z07 records are created for all BIB records connected to the ADM record with lkr type "ADM" and "ITM". The check for lkr "ITM" is depended on setting TAB100-INDEX-ITM-LINK as "Y". A new option was added to TAB100-INDEX-ITM-LINK, option F, which also include a filter check of item enum/chron fields, meaning only lkr "ITM" which match the item will be generated with Z07 record.
Category: Acquisitions (500) - ALEPH
Subject: ALEPH - 500
- Article last edited: 6/11/2014