Potential problem with utf-8 in "plain" text (i.e. no attachment) email?
- Article Type: General
- Product: Aleph
- Product Version: 18.01
We continue to receive complaints about the html attachments used in Aleph, and are considering emininating attachments altogether and using functionality that creates email messages without the html attachments.
Is there a way to send email without attachments but that include utf-8 in the body of the email? Our concern is that by going to "plain text," diacritics and other special characters will render confusing citations at best.
v16 rep_change 1605 (which can be seen in KB 9442) / v18 rep_ver 011194 added the option "CharsetBody=UTF-8" to alephcom.ini. The v18 alephcom.ini has been distributed with this as the default.
We have found that with this alephcom.ini setting the tab100 "PLAIN-ONLY=Y" does *not* cause problems with diacritics. They come through fine. (I believe its "plainness" has to do with indentation and other formatting issues.)
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013