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    Preventing Suppressed HOL record display in OPAC

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 16.02

    HOL records are displaying in the Web Brief List and in the Web Full display, even though they contain an STA $aSUPPRESSED field.

    For instance, bib# 1877985 displays a location which is Suppressed in the HOL record.

    If you want to suppress an HOL from OPAC display, you need to also change the associated items to a status which is set for non-display in OPAC....

    The expand_doc_bib_loc_n_x programs produce the PST fields which are used for location-display in the Brief and Full.

    The PST gets information from both HOL records and item (z30) records.

    The expand_doc_bib_loc_1_a routine omits HOL records which have an STA $aSUPPRESSED field. (Note: The expand_doc_bib_loc_1_a program is hard-coded to look for an STA string whose first 8 characters are "SUPPRESS"; HOL records whose STA field does not begin with "SUPPRESS" will *not* be recognized as suppressed.)

    If there are item records linked to the HOL record, the expand_doc_bib_loc_1_b routine will produce a PST field for the location even if the HOL is SUPPRESSed -- unless the item process status / item status in this item is one which has column 10 in its tab15.eng entry set to "N" to indicate that it should not display in OPAC.

    See example below.

    Additional Information


    util f/3/12, shows that doc 1877985 is linked to ADM/item 000088486:

      ENTER HOME LIBRARY : abc01
      ENTER DOC-NUMBER : 1877985
      NFG50 000088486
      ABC60 003513778

    And item 000088486-000010 has z30_item_status '30'.

    Looking at column 10 of the nfg50 tab15.eng, we find that item status '30' is set to display in OPAC.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013