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    Preventing copy of z305 local note field to ALEPH z305

    • Article Type: Q&A
    • Product: Aleph
    • Product Version: 20


    Is there a way to stop the local note fields (z305_field_1, z305_field_2, and z305_field_3) from being copied to the $usr_library Z305 (Local Patron record)?

    If ./xxx50/tab/tab31 column 22 is set to "Y" an ALEPH level Z305 record is created in the $usr_library when the local xxx50 Z305 is created. (It is assigned the status as defined in tab_mapping_privilege.) But it seems there is no way to control which fields are copied from the xxx50 z305 to the $usr_library z305.

    Once the note is copied to the ALEPH level Z305, the 'Patron has Blocks/Notes' message appears when the patron is brought up in *any* ADM.


    There is no way to automatically prevent this. Instruct the operator to press "Update" after filling in the other fields and before entering the note. (That way the ALEPH z305 record is created *without* the note. After the note is entered and Update is pressed again, the note is *not* applied to the ALEPH z305 since this process applies to the record creation only; it doesn't make updates.)

    Additional Information

    Note: At many sites with just a single ADM that library is often also the $usr_library. "echo $usr_library" on the Unix command line shows the local value.

    Category: Circulation (500)

    • Article last edited: 10/17/2014